富士康本田效應擴散 華府學者解析

富士康大幅加薪動作,不僅在珠三角引起連鎖效應,甚至連遠在福建的廈門市,也跟進加薪潮,而且不論代工廠商或是品牌業者,都對加薪造成的成本上升苦不堪言。另外日本本田汽車公司(Honda Motor Co.)在廣東的制鎖廠,採用了從政府調解到恐嚇等一切手段來終止工人的罷工。我們今天的焦點縱橫繼續鎖定富士康本田加薪罷工潮,為您請到美國華盛頓 EAST-WEST CENTER東西方研究中心的研究員Christopher McNally博士,McNally博士專精於政治經濟學研究,近年更是投注於中國經濟向資本主義轉型的演變,以下是我們稍早之前的訪問。

主播:「Regarding the salary increase of Foxconn and the strike of Honda\'s employees, most of current comments and reports focus on the raise of Chinese labor\'s awareness on their rights, the widespread trend of salary increase and the Chinses economy being about to be transformed. From your viewpoints, has Chinese labor\'s awareness on their rights been really raised?」

主播:「from Foxconne raising salary to Honda strike, expert estimates that, emerging strikes will result in withdrawal of foreign capital in China, what is your assessment ?」

主播:「there are comments say that although Beijing government on one hand would like to see foreign enterprises increase the salary and promote domestic demand, but on the other hand they are fear of the rising of labor consciousness which will threat of communist rule, so this wave of strike put the Chinese government in dilemma, what do you think?」

主播:「OK,thanks a lot.」




