








《法國國際廣播公司》29號報導指出,大多數中資企業在國外競標項目時,主要依靠以壓低成本的方式贏得合同,卻很少對相應的安全風險成本,作出週全的評估。報導說,「至今為止,中國官方宣傳機器一直在為困境之中的卡扎菲拚命搖旗吶喊,怎麼就連這點面子都不給啊? !」


China Supports Gaddafi, But Withdraws Contracts

The withdrawal of Chinese companies from Libya

has left many projects interrupted.

On March 25, a Libyan bank made claims

against several Chinese contractors

for advance payments guaranteed by the bank.

Libya』s Sahara Bank filed compensation claims

on March 25, against several Chinese companies,

including Gezhouba Group Corp., and Beijing

Hongfu Construction and Engineering Group.

The amount claimed reached millions of U.S. dollars,

and the companies were given 5 days to reply.

Liao Liying, manager at Beijing Hongfu Group,

revealed the amount claimed against them

is approximately USD400 million . However,

the highest claim was against Gezhouba Group.

The concerned Chinese companies have turned

to China』s Ministry of Commerce for help.

Insiders said that the credibility of these companies

will be affected even if the claims were withdrawn.

Most Chinese contractors have withdrawn

from Libya, causing great losses to local projects.

China Ministry of Commerce spokesperson Yao Jian

said to the press that China has 50 projects under

construction in Libya, totaling USD18.8 billion.

Some of these projects were over 30% finished.

But the further the progress, the bigger the losses.

Commentators said that China makes investments

worldwide, but cannot protect such investments.

China』s lack of ability to cope with unrest raises

concerns about the risk of Chinese investments.

According to China』s State-owned Assets Supervision

and Administration Committee (SASAC), since 2009,

the lack of effective investment supervision

has resulted in great losses of state-owned assets.

Major causes of such losses are wasteful spending

corruption, fraud, lack of risk management and

proper authorization, illegal overseas registration of

state-owned assets, as well as irresponsible hires.

According to RFI, most Chinese companies are able

to win overseas contracts with extremely low bids

by sacrificing proper risk management costs.

The report points out the irony of China supporting

Gaddafi on one hand while withdrawing

contractors from Libya on the other.

NTD reporters Lin Huixin and Bing Yin