【禁聞】艾未未妻駁斥指控 政法委推諉責任

















Ai Weiwei』s wife refutes allegations

Beijing artist Ai Weiwei was accused of tax evasion

on May 20. Ai's wife, Lu Qing said:

"I am the legal representative of the company

and should be responsible." Ai's family and lawyer

pointed out that Beijing authorities breached laws.

The Central Political Committee is receiving

an unprecedented international pressure.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece,

Xinhua News Agency reported that Beijing

public security authorities said Ai』s Beijing Cultural

Development Co., Ltd. allegedly

"avoided paying huge taxes

and intentionally destroyed accounting vouchers."

Described by the family as "timid, very simple,”

Lu Qing, told Apple Daily on May 21:

"I am the legal representative of the company.

If the company has any questions to answer,

I should be responsible."

Ai's sister Gao Ge told Sound of Hope Radio:

"The charges should not be conveyed by media

but the public security. Our family did not receive

any information. Ai』s arrest was illegal

from the beginning, and it is still illegal now."

Gao Ge said Ai』s company』s start-up capital

was only RMB500,000, how could it evade

“huge taxes”? If this is only an economic issue,

why has it not been checked two years ago?

CCP did not get what it wanted,

and now only claims such illegalities as punishment.

Ai's mother Gao Ying, said Ai used his own money

to do things for the community.

Gao Ying: "He did not get into economy at all

and does not do business. His artwork was bought,

and he used the money to do more artworks.

His money was spent on others, I did not get any

from him. People around me know his office

could not pay others well. If they want to find flaws,

they will, or else how could they report upwards?”

Liu Xiaoyuan, Beijing human rights lawyer

pointed out that under the Chinese criminal law,

tax evasion could be exempt from punishment.

Economic penalty is one of CCP』 tricks on dissidents.

Ai was taken away on April 3,

and is illegally detained for over 50 days now.

On May 15, Ai was allowed to meet with his wife,

Lu Qing. Xinhua News reported on May 20

that Ai was under residential surveillance.

Mo Shaoping, Beijing human rights lawyer, said:

"Residential surveillance is clearly against the law.

Limiting his personal freedom, not allowing family

to live with him and restricting his personal freedom

somewhere else, are all various methods

of detention. It violates laws.”

Ai is the son of famous poet Ai Qing, and is a former

art consultant of Beijing Olympics』 "Bird's Nest"

stadium design. In recent years, he was actively

involved in civil rights and other such activities.

According to HK Trend magazine, the arrest of Ai

was decided and implemented by Central Political

and Law Commission. They originally intended to

charge Ai with "inciting subversion of state power,"

but it was shelved due to lack of evidence.

Eventually they charged Ai with a tax evasion.

Chen Kuide, China Initiative Executive Chairman

in Princeton said: "Why did they not arrest Ai

a few years ago, but only arrest him now?

It is because the current crisis in China

is very serious to Beijing authorities.

Others like Ran Yunfei, and human rights lawyers

arrested now, were not getting arrested before.

When political struggle gets furious,

it『s usually left-leaning, to the CCP."

According to Beijing sources, CCP underestimated

the international society』s focus on Ai,

which broke the long silence of the western world

and made them review Beijing's policies again.

Now Ai has become a hot potato,

members of the Politics and Law Committee

and other departments are buck-passing.

On May 20, articles on Boxun Web were shirking

responsibilities for Zhou Yongkang, secretary

of the Central Political and Law Commission.

The international society continued to support Ai,

EU and European Parliament,

U.S. Secretary of State and congressman,

German Foreign Minister and Minister of Culture,

and many other organizations

have called for the release of Ai Weiwei.

Ai is in the "Top 100 Most Influential People for 2011."

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Zhou Ping