
【新唐人2011年6月9日訊】Facebook、Google、 Twitter、YouTube加上手機,緊密的將世界串聯在一起,成就了「中東革命」。但是「互聯網」的蓬勃並不是造成革命的主因,而是這些國家的專制政權給自己帶來了危機。中東問題專家近期撰文提醒中共當局,應該從「中東革命」中得到啟示。


《德國之聲》6月6號報導,美國著名記者,三次普利茲獎獲獎人,也是中東問題專家的湯瑪斯•弗裡德曼(Thomas L Friedman)在《紐約時報》上發表了一封致中共政府的公開信,提醒中國當權者應該從中東革命中學點甚麼。












China』s “Arab Spring” Brewing?

Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube and other

technology tools connect people in the world,

and have catalyzed the Middle East Revolutions.

However, the true cause of these revolutions

are the authoritarian regimes in these countries.

Experts on the Middle East recently wrote articles

to remind the Chinese Community Party (CCP)

to learn from the late Middle East Revolutions.

Without political parties or leaders, a group

of young people launched a successful revolution

in the Middle East. Since the outbreak in Tunisia

in December 2010, people in the Arab world

took to the streets, demanding an overthrow

of autocracy. It was called by the western media

the "Arab Spring,” with an optimistic prediction

of "a new Middle East will soon be born."

Deutsche Welle reported on June 4,

that Thomas Friedman, famous American journalist

and three times Pulitzer Prize winner,

published his letter to CCP authorities in the NYT

(New York Times), reminding Chinese authorities

to learn from the recent revolutions.

Thomas thinks that the cause of the revolutions

is not only the GDP increase or decrease. People

were not fighting for survival, but for dignity,

demanding political rights and responsibilities.

The letter also stated that the new political leaders

need to provide more grassroots freedom

Arab world dictators may control the state-owned

media, but they cannot cutoff the Internet.

Jing Chu, dissident and writer of Guangxi Province,

expressed that historic facts revealed that CCP

is a traitor of China. These facts were covered up

before, but are now exposed on the Internet.

Jing Chu: “Internet is a blessing to Chinese people.

In a totalitarian country like China,

the CCP rules with lies and violence.

With widespread availabilityof the Internet,

CCP can no longer control people』s minds

and block information.”

Commentator Wu Fan points out, in the Internet era,

bad deeds are spread out to the whole world

in less than 5 minutes. So the CCP is gradually

losing its control on expression.

Wu Fan: “Nowadays, Internet, cell phones,

TV and radio are very advanced.

It is very easy to spread out news about bad actions.

There are over 500 million Internet users in China.

Once news is out, the whole world would know right away.”

In the past month, many severe conflicts between

the authorities and people occured in China.

Many people committed suicide or killings

with the injustice they face

and petitions remained unresolved for years.

Jing Chu: “What CCP is doing now is fostering

a social revolution.

The CCP cannot control it with high pressure.

The accumulation of social conflicts will result

in a revolution.”

Wu Fan: “What is the cause of revolution?

People are insulted, tortured, exploited, suppressed

and even killed. When they find out that begging,

kowtowing and petitioning have no use,

they will resort to revolution.”

A spark can burn the prairie.

Will the revolution spark come to China?

The world is watching in anticipation.

NTD reporters Zhang Lina, Li Ting and Sun Ning