【禁聞】百姓參選遭官府暴力 律師呼籲監察

【新唐人2011年7月7日訊】江西新餘人大選舉已經結束了,選舉和關注選舉者一樣遭到官府的打壓。關注湖北潛江選舉的姚立法已經失蹤半個月。江西新余獨立候選人劉萍、李思華及吳遠樹律師等人,因調查選舉結果,遭人毆打。吳遠樹律師倡議,成立「人大選舉律師觀察團」,保護公民政治權利。 請看本臺記者的採訪報導。











Civic Exposure into Election Violated By Officials

The People』s Congress election in Jiangxi has come to an end.

Both candidates and followers were suppressed by the officials.

Yao Lifa, Qianjiang election follower, has been missing for

half a month, and other independent candidates, such as

Liu Ping, Li Sihua and Lawyer Wu Yuanshu were beaten

for their investigations into the election results.

Lawyer Wu Yuanshu suggested

establishing an observation group for the elections.

Independent candidates in Xinyu, Jiangxi Province,

Liu Ping, Li Sihua and Wu Yuanshu (lawyer from Wuhan)

came to the electoral district of Li Sihua on July 4,

to see the election results and to investigate the July 29 assault

of the independent candidates by village officials.

Liu and Wu were beaten again by officials for no reason.

Wu』s mobile phone was robbed and trashed.

His sound and video recordings were lost.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Wu: We were beaten by the Xihe administrative officials

while looking at the election notice posted on the office door.

It』s so meaningful for the ordinary to go for the election,

and their rights of election shall be well protected.

Those who violate their rights shall be punished by law.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Li Sihua told NTD that they had a survey afterwards,

only to find out that loads of unlawful acts took place

throughout the election process.

Lawyer Wu Yuanshu, Li Zhiyong (from Guangdong)

and Wang Cheng (from Zhejiang) suggested to

establish an observation group for the elections,

with the joint efforts of all Chinese lawyers,

to investigate and collect evidence before prosecution.

Li Sihua: There are many unlawful acts and

electoral laws made by the CCP officials during the election.

The voters』 rights to vote or to be elected are violated.

The applicants and referrals』 rights are violated

in identifying the candidates.

The denial of my legitimate candidacy is unlawful,

knowing that 218 people have nominated me.

Li Sihua says it is a crime to violate the electoral law,

and to impede the rights to vote and to be elected.

Li Sihua: We hope to truly propel the democratic election.

We realize it is almost impossible for us to be elected.

Not because of the insufficient numbers of candidates,

on the contrary, they give us great support,

but because we were under lots of pressure during the election.

Li stresses that Xinyu is the first place to have a civic election,

while the majority of other elections haven』t started yet.

The treatment of these independent candidates, however,

created a bad example for the future independent candidates.

He only hopes that judicial procedures can put an end to

further unlawful acts of this kind in other parts of China.

Hubei Qianjiang election expert Yao Lifa』s family

has suffered an electric blackout made by the guards

one month after Yao』s disappearance.

His wife Feng Ling thinks that he disappeared,

because he was paying close attention to the elections,

which is feared by the authorities.

NTD reporters Dai Jing, Tang Rui and Sun Ning

新唐人記者 代靜,唐睿,###採訪報導