【禁聞】網路安全問題 美中明顯分歧




「美國防務集團公司」中國問題專家詹姆斯.莫爾維農(James Mulvenon)最近在華盛頓的一次會議上指出,當美國專家想討論「保護電腦網路」的必要性時,中國專家就提出對網路安全截然相反的觀點。當談到「網路審查」時,中方立即表示否定,提出要談信息安全,也就是「既保護網路又監控網路內容」。兩方要談甚麼內容,一直沒有達成一致。







伍凡:“你看中共花了那麼多錢建立一個「金盾工程」,誰幫它造的?是美國的硬體公司Cisco 思科公司,美國的軟件公司Microsoft微軟,這兩家公司一「硬」一「軟」,那麼我想美國人一定知道,這個金盾工程所有它的弱點以及它的軟肋在哪裏,甚至我都很可能懷疑,美國人設的『木馬』,隨時可以把這個金盾工程給破解掉。”

經濟學家何清漣曾總結中共「金盾工程」的主要功能,一是封鎖信息,包括封鎖國外網站、網路交流關鍵字與電子郵件﹔以及IP地址封鎖﹔過濾網頁內容、網址、HTTPS證書,等等。二,對“重點”目標的所有網路活動實施監控,包括網吧監控、個人上網監控等。三,收集情報。 四,破壞,如劫持「功能變數名稱」,包括劫持個人電腦,發送病毒等。



After the U.S. government launched

the International Strategy for Cyberspace on May 16, 2011,

the U.S. Department of Defence unveiled the Pentagon』s

new "Strategy for Operating in Cyber-Space,” on July 14.

outlining five "strategic initiatives"

how the military will operate online.

To date, there are no international policies regarding cyber security,

and the U.S. and China have never met eye-to-eye on this issue.

In a speech at the National Defence University

in Washington, D.C. on July 14,

Deputy Defence Secretary William Lynn III said

that over the past decade,

cyber-attacks have targeted Western defence contractors

in an effort to secure sensitive military information.

A foreign intelligence service in March

stole 24,000 files in a single attack.

Lynn said that this is reason enough to

roll out the Pentagon』s new Cyber Strategy.

According to Reuters, for two years,

academic experts from the U.S. and China

have quietly held talks on cyber-security,

straining to establish rules.

The talks appear to have exposed a wide gap

between the U.S. and China

regarding almost everything virtual,

such as policing computer networks,

oderating cyber warfare,

and controlling information.

James Mulvenon, a China expert at the Defence Group Inc.,

said on a recent Washington conference that

whenever U.S. cyber experts want to discuss

the importance of “protecting computer networks,”

Chinese cyber experts would

voice a completely opposite opinion.

When discussing censorship, the Chinese side

wants to shift the topic to information security,

which is both protecting the network

and policing the content on the network.

It seems that both sides are unable

to agree on the main point of the talks.

Currently, cyber-attacks against high-tech U.S. enterprises

and governmental agencies happen every day.

Many people believe these attacks originate from China.

However, even if they don』t originate there,

they are believed to have been paid for by people in China.

Commentator Wu Fan: For the past 10 years,

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

has been actively investing in expanding its cyberspace,

and cyberspace net-force.

The CCP』s net-force is their main force,

and is now a recognized branch of the CCP military.

Secondly, they also established a paramilitary unit

consisting of average Internet users,

who can be called on to attack the U.S.

Wu Fan said, “In May, a Sky News reporter from the U.K.

went to China for an on-site interview.

He discovered that the CCP employs

an enormous army of hackers,

directing cyber-attacks at Western governments

and enterprises.

It is estimated that there are about 1.6 billion

cyber-attacks originating from the CCP, every month.

The U.S. Department of Defence

is being attacked several million times per day,

which is 10,000 times more per day

than just five years ago.”

Wu Fan believes that this is the CCP』s

“population tactics” on cyber-attacks.

Then why does the CCP frequently

launch network wars now?

Wu Fan thinks that the CCP is using cyberspace to

spark conflicts between U.S. and Chinese people,

in order to divert attention away from China』s current

social conflicts, political conflicts, and a declining economy.

Wu Fan said, since establishing

the Internet in 1986 in China,

the CCP has been dependent on the U.S.

for the development of software and hardware.

If the U.S. fights back,

the CCP would be very vulnerable.

Wu Fan: Look how much time

it took the CCP to develop the Golden Shield

Who helped in building it?

It is the American companies, Cisco and Microsoft.

Then I think that Americans must know

what weaknesses exist in the Golden Shield Project.

I even think that, maybe the Americans already built a Trojan to

destroy this Golden Shield Project, whenever they need to.”

Chinese economist He Qinglian summarized

the main functions of Golden Shield Project.

First, it blocks foreign websites, keywords,

and e-mail exchange network;

IP addresses; and filters web contents,

URL and HTTPS certificates.

Second, it monitors the targets』 network activities, including

cyber-cafe surveillance and Internet monitoring of individuals.

Third, it gathers intelligence.

Fourth, it sabotages, such as hijacking "domain names" and PCs,

and spreading viruses.

The U.S. doesn』t interfere with citizens』 flow of information.

Lynn said on "Network security strategy" promotional meeting

that the U.S. launched the strategy to systematically

protect the U.S. firewall, sensors, software and

the information collected by U.S. intelligence agencies.

It is used only for defence and self-defense.

NTD reporters Li Anan and Xiao Yu