
















6-year-old Boy Wishes to Kill His Mother

A 6-year-old Chinese boy said in a kindergarten that his

biggest wish is “to have a gun and kill my mom by one shot.”

Psychological agent did a survey and found out

that there are many Chinese children who are “offensive.”

Most Chinese parents teach their kids to fight,

as to defend themselves.

China’s “Morning Post” reported that a teacher in Zhejiang’

kindergarten asked children to talk about their “biggest wish.”

Xiaoling, a 6-year-old boy stunned the teacher.

Xiaoling said his biggest wish is,

“to have a gun and kill my mum by one shot.”

Mrs. Zhu, Xiaoling’s mum said, she would often smack

Xiaoling, beause he is too naughty.

But she feels her action is based on a mum’s love.

She was saddened to hear her son wants to kill her.

Mr.Li, a writer in China, thinks this is a problem

of China’s education system.

Mr. Li:”A 6-year-old child to have such an idea should be

taken note of. Maybe it’s not his real wish, but is an influence from the society.”

In China, many parents are worried about their children

being bullied, they even teach the kids how to fight.

Xu Fangzhong, psychologist and director of Zhejiang Tongde

hospital, did a survey on 1732 children, 3 to 6 years old.

The result showed that 13.2% of them behave abnormally,

which includes being offensive, communicating poorly, etc.

Why are so many children offensive? Zhu Xinxin,

a freelance Writer, thought materially China looks like it s developing fast,

but the development of culture and morals

do not match that pace.

Zhu Xinxin: ”Chinese children are growing in a sociaty with

fast material development, but a severe deformed culture.

At the same time, their parents and grand-parents grew up

in a society controlled by the communist party.

So, those generations don’t have basic humanitarian

education, which impacts the younger generation as well.”

Zhu Xinxin thinks the current Chinese schools are utilitarian,

caring only about the transition rate.

There’s no love for education and this is the reason for the

trend of violence in children, and why the society is in such a serious status of incivility and immorality.

In 2009, a video showed a grade-one pupil dreaming

of becoming a corrupt official, which sparked hot discussions.

Zhu Xinxin: ”The fundamental reason is the lack of faith.

CCP taught people to be atheistic.

How does it treat the moral? As a political dogma.

The moral lost its sacred root.

On the other hand, CCP mixes immorality and politics.

If you don’t obey CCP’s leadership, you are immoral.

CCP doesn’t accept universal values.”

Zhu Xinxin pointed out that to solve the moral issue in China,

people should pursue faith and

bring down the one-party dictatorship that

suppresses people’s aspirations for spirituality and virtue.

NTD reporters Chen Han, Li Yun and Zhang Jian