【禁聞】團派周強將接替薄 薄案促胡江攤牌


















新唐人記者 梁欣 李元翰 李若琳 採訪報導

Hu and Jiang in Open conflict, as Zhou Qiang is ready to Replace Bo Xialai

Overseas media reported Zhou Qiang, Party Secretary of

Hunan Province will replace Bo Xilai in Chongqing.

Meanwhile, Jiang Zemin's nephew Tai Zhan has been appointed

deputy secretary general of Chongqing Municipal Government.

News came that the Jiang faction will attempt to avoid charging Bo,

which might trigger the collapse of the Jiang faction.

It also exerts an influence, forcing Hu Jintao to make a decision.

Wang Lijun, former Director Public Security Bureau in Chongqing,

fled to the American consulate and sought asylum.

This shocking political scandal unveiled Bo Xilai's corruption.

Feb. 20 scholars commented on Twitter, Chongqing authorities

had announced Wang Lijun was violating party rules and state law.

On Feb. 19 Chongqing Daily reported Bo's meeting with Vietnamese

guests, three days after his disappearance from media view.

Feb. 17, People's Daily published an article urging Hu Jintao

to come to a decision on Bo Xilai's case.

Feb. 17, Guan Haixiang formally replaced Wang Lijun

becoming Director of Chongqing Public Security Bureau.

This preluded his superior---Zhou Qiang's appointment as

Party Secretary of Chongqing.

George Mason University Professor, Zhang Tianliang, said that

Zhou's appointment shows Hu's preparation to deal with Bo.

Zhang Tianliang quoted: “If Hu allows Zhou Yongkang

to take over Chongqing,

and he may be unable to explain this to the Chinese people,

considering Bo was demoted for his crime.

There must be only one winner, decided by those

who are for and those who are against Bo.

There can be no room for compromise.”

It is reported that Bo Xilai obtained evidence of corruption,

of many members in the Central Committee of the Political Bureau.

Included in his findings, evidence, naming Zhou Yongkang,

former Party Secretary of Sichuan.

With these weapons, Bo will not just simply surrender.

Bo Xilai's father Bo Yibo had absolved Jiang Zeming upon

Chen Xitong's charge over Jiang's service as a traitor. Jiang later continued to promote Bo Xilai.

As Dalian Mayor, Bo Xilai had Jiang's huge portrait erected at

Dalian Square, and actively assisted Jiang in persecuting Falun Gong.

Bo holds a lot of evidence upon the crimes committed

by Jiang's family.

As post of Secretary for Minister of Commerce, he'd said,

whoever approves Jiang's son to run companies in tele-communications, will be demoted.

Zeng Qinghong's family is in charge of many military enterprises

in Chongqing. Bo Xilai also has evidence of their corruption.

Hu Jintao's demoting Bo frightens the Jiang faction.

Feb. 18, a Jiang faction medium said Bo will serve at

a peripheral position until retirement.

Political critic Wen Zhao said, however,

this news is only the Jiang faction's wish.

After the Wang Lijun scandal,

the Hu faction has taken charge of the situation.

Wen Zhao commented: “Hu and Wen might use evidence from

Wang Lijun to bargain with Jiang Zemin for personnel arrangements, during the 18th Assembly.”

Zhang pointed out that Hu Jintao will not follow Jiang's plan.

Otherwise he would not have repeatedly required Xu Caihou

and Guo Boxiong,

Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission,

to obey the command of President Hu.

Wen Zhao said: “it is also a question

whether the Jiang faction will admit failure.

If they lose control of some key positions, they'll be afraid of

future investigation and 'purging'.”

On Feb. 18 CCTV News reported on the publication of

Jiang Zemin's Anthology in foreign languages.

Zhang Tianliang pointed out that taking such an unimportant

story to be headline news, indicates the Jiang faction are worried.

On Feb. 17, Jiang Zemin's nephew Tai Zhan was appointed

deputy secretary general of Chongqing Municipal Government.

Tai Zhan had been charged with fraudulence by Hong Kong

businessmen in Yangzhou court.

He later went to Hangzhou to work on real estate.

Wang Guoping, former Party Secretary of Hangzhou, and foster-

son of Jiang Zemin, provided tens of millions of funding to Tai.

Currently the Jiang faction is trying its best to control Bo's case.

Zhang Tianliang pointed out that if Bo survives this charge,

he will first take revenge against Wen Jiabao.

He Guoqiang's subordinates in Chongqing were removed by Bo.

Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang are each envied by Bo.

Now is the best and last opportunity for Hu Jintao to crack

down upon the Jiang faction.

NTD Reporters Liang Xin, Li Yuanhan and Li Ruolin