Trade War + Spread of COVID-19 Impact China Factories, Taiwan's Key Hydraulic Seal Technology Wins Transfer Orders
【新唐人亞太台 2020 年 05 月 12 日訊】The US-China trade war has compelled many supply chains to move out of mainland China, and the impacts of COVID-19 cause severe challenges to global enterprises. According to data, traditional manufacturing suffers the most severe impact. Hydraulic seal manufacturers in Taiwan indicated that Taiwanese manufacturers have benefited from the first-phase of trade agreement and received transfer orders. They anticipated this year’s business to rebound, but it fell slightly due to the impacts of COVID-19.
After the rubber and plastic materials have been mixed through the kneading machine and matured, the special hydraulic seal producing process uses a pre-forming machine to shape the seals and increase their tensile strength and service life.
Pro-One Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. chairman Kee-Yong Chong: “Equipment cannot function normally if the hydraulic seal is damaged. It is a relationship that dictates the entire movement. Hydraulic seals are like joints to humans.”
The hydraulic seal industry has been developing in Taiwan for many years, and the various professional technologies have matured and given Taiwan an international reputation. Hydraulic seals are applicable to transportation, industrial and heavy equipment (such as excavators, forklifts, automobiles, bicycles, vessels, and aircraft), electronics, and aerospace industries. The US-China trade war has significantly enhanced the visibility of Taiwanese factories.
Hydraulic seal company chairman Kee-Yong Chong: “Based on such a trade agreement, we are relatively still growing in terms of the US market. Eventually the main consideration for choosing Taiwan as manufacture basis is the quality stability.”
Chairman Kee-Yong Chong stated that he tried to establish a base in mainland China during the early years, but decided to strengthen the production basis in Taiwan instead due to management differences and to target high-end markets such as Europe, America, and Japan.
Hydraulic seal company chairman Kee-Yong Chong: “Re-export trade method or manufacture origin switching shouldn’t exist here. Moreover, like I just emphasized, every seal product we manufacture is traceable and can be tracked from raw material till finished products. This provides a certain guarantee on quality for Europeans and Americans.”
Kee-Yong Chong indicated that the hydraulic seal industry is expected to rebound this year, but fell slightly due to COVID-19. But manufacturers in Taiwan are confident that they can work together and find good ways to continue stability and growth.
NTDTV AP Dennis Yeh 、Wilson Chen 、Jin-Jin Li reporting from Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Name: Pro-One Precision Industrial Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 57, Jingliu Road, Nanzih District, Kaohsiung City
Telephone: 07-3011682
The Trade War makes Taiwan Business Transform into automated R&D of agricultural machinery belts
2019-10-16 22:02:33Rubber products are also on the tariff list of the US-China trade war. Chih-Sung Chang, the Chairman of one of the top 3 rubber drive belt manufacturers of Taiwan mentioned that there is an obvious growth of domestic orders and overseas inquiries, which p
2020-04-24 16:48:15歡迎回來。美中貿易戰讓許多供應鏈,移出中國大陸,加上肺炎疫情衝擊;全球企業發展,受到考驗。根據資料顯示,傳統製造業受到的影響最深。對此,台灣油封製造商表示,受惠於美中第一階段貿易協定,台廠獲得轉單,原本看好今年景氣反彈,不過受到肺炎疫情影響,將稍微下跌。
2020-04-25 16:25:24美中貿易戰讓許多供應鏈,移出中國大陸,加上疫情擴散,衝擊全球企業發展。根據資料顯示,傳統製造業影響最深,對此,台灣油封製造商表示,受惠美中貿易協定,台廠獲得轉單,不過,原本看好今年景氣反彈,但受疫情影響,將稍微下跌。
2021-03-25 11:18:51機器設備,首重潤滑來帶動或轉動機構,而「油封」,就是防止潤滑劑外漏的重要零件。從汽車引擎、醫療器材、半導體等製造設備,都要用到油封密封件。隨著數位時代、5G的快速發展,油封的客製化需求攀升,商機跟著看漲。帶您看到,一家在台灣經營超過25年的油封業者鐘啓榮,向歐美油封產業看齊,從中找到台廠機會,以誠信作為基石,開創新局,成為歐美國際指標大廠的合作對象。
台廠創油封溯源管理系統 MIT獲歐美指標大廠青睞
2021-03-25 11:30:45隨著數位時代、5G的快速發展,油封需求攀升,商機看漲,而從汽車引擎、醫療器材、半導體等製造設備,都需要油封密封件。帶您看到,一家在台灣經營超過25年的油封業者,透過數據,延伸出油封溯源管理系統,打響台灣品牌,贏得歐美國際指標大廠青睞。
2022-04-06 17:46:43機器設備,首重潤滑來帶動或轉動機構,而「油封」,就是防止潤滑劑外漏的重要零件。從汽車引擎、醫療器材、半導體等製造設備,都要用到油封密封件。隨著數位時代、5G的快速發展,油封的客製化需求攀升,商機跟著看漲。帶您看到,一家在台灣經營超過25年的油封業者鐘?榮,向歐美油封產業看齊,從中找到台廠機會,以誠信作為基石,開創新局,成為歐美國際指標大廠的合作對象。