【看新聞學英語】 婦女夢中發現悉尼灌木林中的屍體


Woman Discovers Body in Sydney Bushland Through Dream


By Daniel Chen, David Lee


1. bushland n. 灌木林

2. aboriginal adj. 原住民

3. elder n. 長者

4. torso n. 軀幹

5. homicide n. 殺人罪

6. witness n. 目擊者

7. forensic adj. 法醫的

8. post-mortem n. 驗屍

9. worth sb.’s while ph. 值得某人花時間(力氣)的

10. stepfather n. 繼父

11. psychic n. 有特異功能的人

12. near death experience ph. 瀕死經驗


An aboriginal elder claimed to have seen the location of the body of a missing six-year-old in her dream. Unexpectedly, she led police to a torso believed to belong to another missing person—a woman from Sydney.


[Pamela Young, Homicide Squad]: "It's very sad to say that an adult female torso has been located where the witnesses said there was a body."


Police confirmed that they had contacted the family of a missing Sydney woman, Kristi McDougall, but did not confirm if the body was hers. McDougall went missing on June 19.

警方證實,他們已聯絡一名失蹤悉尼婦女克里斯蒂麥克杜格爾的家人,但未確認是否是她的遺體。麥克杜格爾在 6月19日時失蹤。

Forensic teams carried out post-mortem examinations.


[Pamela Young, Homicide Squad]:


"A woman, she had a sense or a feeling that it was worth her while to come to this particular part of the park... It is quite unusual circumstances that brought us here, that she would think that initially and then we actually find a body."


Cheryl Carrol-Lagerwey, a local aboriginal elder, led police officers to the location where, she believed, they were going to find the body of young Kiesha Abrahams.


Six-year-old Abrahams went missing from her bed while her mother and stepfather were watching TV in the living room almost two weeks ago.


Carrol-Lagerwey says she was not a psychic but claimed that she had seen the location in her dream.


[Cheryl Carrol-Lagerwey, Aboriginal Elder]:

"I don't know, it's not psychic, it's inside you - if you have a near death experience, yeah, it's in you."



Police investigations are continuing on the Abrahams case although there have been no developments so far.





I’m not joking.



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