【禁聞】國際反獨裁趨勢 鼓舞中國人權



維權人士糜崇標:「我發這個主要是把網上各方面的、共產黨長期不讓老百姓知道的一些事,讓老百姓應該知道, 他們來搶我,來抓我,打我,充分暴露了他們的本質。如果人民不起來,我們是要被長期欺辱的。」









Chinese Human Rights Activists Inspired by International Anti-Tyranny Trends

Chinese people are greatly inspired

by the success of the Tunisia "Jasmine Revolution "

and Egyptian』s anti-dictatorship protest.

Guizhou rights activists

openly held a “rights window” activity.

Taiwan's "Assoc. of Victims of Investment in China"

and "Falun Gong Human Rights Lawyers Group"

recently co-founded an international alliance to

refuse visits of the CCP villains.

On Feb 7, Guizhou rights activists held

a “rights window” activity at the Qianling Park

and Minquan Square in Guiyang City.

They spread the still-barred-news-in-China

of North African democratic movement.

Two participants, rights activists

Mi Chongbiao and Chen Xi, have been harassed

by the police.

Mi Chongbiao: I spread this to let people know

the online news banned by the Communist regime.

They come to arrest me and beat me.

This reveals their nature.

If people don』t step out, we will be forever suppressed

Across the Taiwan Strait,

Taiwan Association for Victims of investment in China,

Taiwan Friends of Tibet,

Falun Gong Human Rights Lawyers Group,

Rights activists and other victims of the CCP

have jointly established

an online “No CCP Villain International Alliance”

The millions Egyptian protest originated

from a face book notice.

Zhu Wanqi from Falun Gong Human Rights Lawyers Group,

believes the establishment of online

“No CCP Villain International Alliance”

has opened up a widest channel

for Chinese people to be involved in.

Lawyer Zhu: We believe one of the biggest results

of the online Alliance is that under current situation,

the popular and effective online alliance can

attract more people and reflect greater public opinions.

The online Alliance website states that

“Any individual or group regardless helps to

collect and open evidences of the CCP villains” and

“encourages all victims in Mainland or overseas

to bring Chinese officials to justice

so as to protect human rights and set right the record.

Lawyer Zhu: We hope this platform will become

an important mechanism for global Chinese people

to counter CCP』s human rights abuses.

In Europe, in America, In Australia,

in any corner of the world,

people request their respective government

to show a clear attitude towards the CCP villains

that they are not welcome, will not be invited

and will not be accepted. -

Under current international political circumstances,

whether the Alliance will provoke

disintegration of the Chinese Communist regime

just like the disintegration of

Eastern European communist bloc in 1980s,

Time will tell.

NTD reporter ZhaoXingzhi.