





在演講中,程益中 說:“都二十一世紀了,嘴巴只有吃飯的自由,沒有說話的自由,但這卻是我國大陸的現實。”在這種體制中,程益中恰好看到了報紙的定位和潛在的商機。他說, “只要你辦的報紙,堅持獨立公正客觀的立場,不參與製造和宣傳謊言,不助紂為虐,不愚弄公眾,不掩蓋真相,你的報紙就一定是大陸最好、最成功的報紙!”

2003 年,“南都”率先報導了大陸「薩斯」的疫情﹔同一年,“南都”又報導大學生孫志剛遭收容被毆打致死的案件,促成大陸廢除侵犯人權的「收容法」。《南方都市報》真實敢言的辦報風格,使大陸讀者達到了不去上訪、不去法院,而是跪在報社門口喊冤的地步。

然而,程益中也成為當局的眼中釘。2004 年3月,他被當局以“貪污罪”的名義逮捕,但是他堅持不認罪。五個多月以後,廣州檢察院以“證據不足”將他無罪釋放。據香港媒體2005年對程益中“南都”同事的採訪,他被指控貪污的10萬元,是報社的獎金,屬於合法收入。





新唐人記者 趙心知 王雨晴 採訪報導


"Reflections of a Journalist" Didn't Speak Freely

Ex-editor-in-chief of Southern Metropolis Daily,

Cheng Yizhong, at University of Hong Kong,

made a speech titled "Reflections of a Journalist”.

Chinese netizens broadcast it live on micro-blogs.

However, the Chinese authorities have required

all media and websites to block his speech.

What was Cheng's speech about?

Why are the authorities so afraid?

Born in 1965 in Anhui Province,

Cheng Yizhong is a well-known Chinese Journalist.

In 2005, he was awarded

the UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize.

Cheng participated in the founding of

Southern Metropolis Daily.

He also served as editor-in-chief of Beijing News.

On Feb 20, in a speech at University of Hong Kong,

he mentioned his idea of newspaper's value:

"Monitoring those in power, balancing public authority,

and implementing the right to information”.

He said incisively: "objective, factual, original,

independent, impartial, open –

that』s the value of newspaper".

Founded in 1997, Southern Metropolis Daily

surpassed hundreds of other Chinese media with

a daily circulation of 1.4 million copies and annual

ad revenue of 1 billion yuan.

Cheng was the main driving force of the achievement.

Southern Metropolis wins over readers

with its principles.

In his speech, Cheng said: "It is already 21st century.

Chinese people's mouth can eat freely,

but not speak freely. That's the reality in China.”

In this situation, Cheng saw the newspaper's position

and its potential business opportunities.

He said, "as long as your newspaper insists on having

an independent, impartial, and objective position,

not making and spreading lies,

doing no evil for the authorities, not fooling the public,

and not covering up the truth, it will be the best and

most successful newspaper in China!”

In 2003, Southern Metropolis was the first

to report SARS in China. It also reported the case of

Sun Zhigang, the student beaten to death by the police

in a detention center for not carrying his ID. The case

led to the abolishment of inhumane Custody Law.

Southern Metropolis Daily's bold style has led to

readers presenting their cases to its office.

Consequently, Cheng became the authorities』 eyesore.

In March 2004, he was arrest for "corruption",

but Cheng insisted on his innocence. Five months later,

he was acquitted due to "insufficient evidence".

According to Hong Kong media,

Cheng was accused of embezzling 100,000 yuan.

It turned out to be his legitimate bonus.

Cheng was later forced to leave his newspapers.

He is now the deputy director of Modern Media Group

and the executive director of Asian Business Leaders.

In his speech at University of Hong Kong, Cheng said,

"How much evil deeds and injustice one must have

committed to become so sensitive and vulnerable!”

China News senior journalist Gao Yu also received

World Press Freedom Prize in 1997.

Shortly before the Tiananmen massacre in 1989,

she was detained by the authorities for 17 months.

Gao: "Until now, China doesn't have a press law.

Freedom of press is not guaranteed.

Why not legislate?

Because it wants to limit the press freedom.

CCP wants the media to be a tool for its dictatorship.

This is absurd, as news should be reported objectively.

Cheng has absolutely no regrets over his choices.

He said, "Why do those absurd, anti-intellectual,

unscrupulous and murderous press bans

get implemented? We should unite and resist!”

NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Wang Yuqing