
【新唐人2011年6月6日訊】中國近期發生一連串民間以極端手段對付官方的事件,法國媒體《費加羅報》稱之為「絕望恐怖主義」,有論者說這是對中共的「以暴易暴」。難道中國人在極權統治下,真的難逃「以命制暴」的宿命嗎? 下面來看看報導。






程曉農:「實際上,中央政府對地方政府這些惡劣的「土地財政」做法是縱容的,因為他從來不嚴懲,從來不制止。之所以會如此,原因就是地方政府有巨大的經濟利益。 」








『Terrorism』 With Chinese Characteristics

Lately China is witnessing incidents where citizens

counter official violence with extreme approaches,

which Le Figaro terming it 『terrorism in despair.』

With the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in power,

is such life-costing defense the only antidote?

The 52-year-old Qian Mingqi caused the Jiangxi

serial bombings on May 26 and died in them.

His house was reported to have 2 illegal demolitions

in 1995 and 2002 respectively. Due to 10 years

of ignored petitions he went into extremes,

with him and other 2 people dead now.

Due to illegal demolishment again, on June 5,

7 Fujian petitioners tried to poison themselves

in front of the U.S. Embassy in China.

They were stopped by security and saved in hospital.

Petitioning in front of embassies is not new,

but such severe petitioning was for the first time.

Illegal demolishment happens in China daily.

9 out of 10 mass incidents in China are reported

in association with lands or illegal demolishment.

The China issues』 expert Cheng Xiaonong,

said for radio SOH that illegal demolishment

is caused by local government』s land acquisition,

as a major means of revenue, authorized by CCP.

Cheng Xiaonong: “Central government tends

to connive with regional governments』 wicked act

of land acquisition, for there is always a big

financial return from the regional governments.”

He also says the revenue of local government

includes budget incomes, which are transparent;

and incomes out of budget (IOB), which are

from apportions and separate charges;

and incomes out of IOB, where land acquisition

earnings lay in. About 50-60% of overall revenues

in Beijing and Shanghai rely on land acquisition.

Cheng: “From this angle, it is understandable why

local governments are so ferocious in demolishment.

As to the central government, they just talk about it

and that』s all, as if they are innocent on the matters.”

Cheng supposes, each year the government makes

profit of trillions RMB from illegal demolitions.

With refusals of legal appeals and petitions,

and the risk of death while defending demolitions,

where can Chinese people turn for help?

The Le Figaro noted there was a potential riot wave

led by Chinese people in despair.

CCP officials know of the citizens』 concerns,

not only on the freedom of elections,

but on independent legal justice to hear their voices.

According to critics Chinese people are on the verge

of despair, thinking 『we will fight to death,』 -

whether suicide or killed, it is a result of the tyranny.

NTD reporters Wu Wei and Sun Ning