【禁聞】7.1前北京數萬人上訪 有喊打倒中共






現場訪民:【錄音】「到中午時是控制不住了,後來就不讓進(信訪辦)了。截訪的特別多,半路上給抓走的、給拖走的(訪民)可多了。截訪的車,現在它們都是黑車了,就是小車,一眼看不到邊。」 【聲音來源:希望之聲電臺】




訪民李莉:【錄音】「這個旅店不讓住了,查到我們是上訪人,警察告訴他們只要住上就罰1萬塊錢,北京規定不讓我們上訪人和『法輪功』都不讓住。上北京來的人太多了,現在(住處)就不好找,特難找,上訪村不行,他們前兩天就大搜捕了一次。」 【聲音來源:自由亞洲電臺】



而目前,國家信訪局網站頭條新聞卻是:「頌黨情 謝黨恩 跟黨走 各界群眾致信黨中央祝賀建黨90週年」。



Protests Before July 1st

The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) conducted

mass arrests of people who came to Beijing

to petition before the CCP』s 90-th anniversary.

Only on June 27, tens of thousands of petitioners

appealed at the Bureau of Letters and Visits

of State Council and National People's Congress

(NPC), including over 100 veterans

of the China-Vietnam War.

Some petitioners shouted "Down with the CCP!"

With July 1st approaching, the number of petitions

from across the country soared.

In recent days, there are countless of people

gathering at the State Council and NPC』s

petition office near Beijing South Station.

On June 27, a number of petitioners gathered there,

including hundreds of veterans shouting slogans.

Petitioners were very encouraged by them.

Li Lixiang, Shanxi Province, a petitioner once sent

to labor education, told NTD Television:

“I hate them from the bottom of my heart.

They are hooligans and worse than bandits.

Those in charge of law bully people and rob people.

We hope this government will collapse.”

An eyewitness described what he saw

in his interview with Radio Sound of Hope:

“The line extended to the road, blocking the traffic.

There were a lot of people.

The veterans shouted “Down with corruption!

Down with corrupt officials! Down with CCP!”

Most people shouted together. It was so crowded.”

Boxun.net wrote that tens of thousands were there.

Though the authorities sent police from many areas,

they still could not control the situation.

The office was finally closed.

A petitioner on site: “They could not control

the situation around noon.

No one was allowed to visit the office.

There were many people who came to kidnap us.

Many petitioners were taken away.

There were so many cars coming here

to take petitioners away.”

On the same day, dozens of petitioners from Jinlin

and Hebei Provinces went to Zhongnanhai W. Gate

to let out fire crackers and pass on flyers.

They were taken away by the police.

One of them was an elderly woman in her 70s.

She had heart attack on the site,

but was also dragged into a police car.

Recently the Beijing police conducted mass arrests

of petitioners. They work together with local

security staff to abduct petitioners and send them

back or lock them up in Jiujingzhuang in Beijing.

In Shanghai, the Public Security Bureau

is notifying each family not go to Beijing.

Petitioner Li Li thinks the number of security staff

and petitioners is many times higher than in the past.

Li Li: “We are not allowed to stay in the hotel,

as we came to petition. Police told the hotel staff,

they will be fined RMB10,000 if hosting petitioners.

Petitioners and Falun Gong practitioners

are not allowed to stay in hotels in Beijing.

There are so many people who come to Beijing.

It is very difficult to find a place to stay.

The police just conducted a mass search

a couple of days ago.”

Recently extreme accidents happened frequently

due to petitioners not being able to get justice.

On June 2, Hebei petitioners threw stools

at the VP of Shijiazhuang Intermediate Court.

Hebei Province petitioner Ma Lijun said for RFA:

“On June 2, in Shijiazhuang was said

that central officials will visit and meet with us.

Someone threw a bucket of stools at the VP

of the Intermediate Court who is in charge

of the petitions. The officials were scared.”

Currently the headline on the home page

of the State Bureau of Letters and Visits states:

“Praise the CCP And Thank the CCP On Behalf

Of All Professions Before Its 90-th Birthday.”

Wall Street Journal published an article,

saying that CCP』s dictatorship in the past 60 years

and its current control of propaganda

are being challenged by the people.

Chinese people are awakening,

and starting to protest against CCP』s violent rule.

NTD reporters Da Jing, Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu