

The Netherlands Urged to Address China-Tibet issues


By Daniel Chen, David Lee


1. Take part in ph. 參加

2. Commemorate [kəˋmɛmə͵ret] v. 紀念

3. Set on file ph. 放火燒

4. Hunger strike ph. 絕食抗議

5. petition [pəˋtɪʃən] n. 請願書

6. call on ph. 號召;請求

7. follow suit ph. 跟著做

8. desperate [ˋdɛspərɪt] adj. 絕望的

9. brutal [ˋbrut!] adj. 殘忍的;野蠻的

10. tactics [ˋtæktɪks] n. 戰術;手段

11. abuse [əˋbjuz] n. 傷害

12. plea [pli] n. 請求

13. repressive [rɪˋprɛsɪv] adj. 鎮壓的

14. stand for ph. 支持

15. activist [ˋæktəvɪst] n. 行動主義者

16. oppression [əˋprɛʃən] n. 壓制

Tibetans and their supporters are urging the Dutch government to take part in international efforts to free Tibet. They commemorated the Tibetan monks who recently set themselves on fire and held a hunger strike in front of the Parliament in The Hague on Wednesday.


Groups supporting Tibet passed a petition to the House of Representatives on Tuesday, calling on them to make a public statement that would show concern about the situation in Tibet.


[Tsering Jampa,Director, International Campaign for Tibet Europe]:

“We would like Dutch Minister make a public statement, like we have the situation in Tibet now, in Kirti, Germany, US and twelve other countries have done so. So we are asking them to follow suit and make a public statement that the Dutch government is concerned about what’s happening.”


About 120 Tibetans participated in the hunger strike. They prayed for the 11 monks and nuns who set themselves on fire—six of whom had died.

大約 120名藏人參加絕食。他們為11名自焚的僧侶和尼姑祈禱 – 包括其中已經死亡的6名。

According to the Buddhists teachings suicide is a sin. Many people say the accidents show how desperate the monks and nuns are.


Also on Wednesday the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Uri Rosenthal had a discussion with House of Representatives about China. Rosenthal says he wants to have a dialogue with Chinese leaders to achieve concrete results to improve human rights.


Carry Mensen from The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) urged the Dutch government to continue the discussion.


[Carry Mensen, Project Coordinator, UNPO]:

“As the Dutch government reflects on its relationship with China, we urge them not to end the discussions today. We urge them to reflect on the brutal tactics employed by the state against its own citizens and consider what message it wishes to send to the world about such abuses. We urge them not to ignore the desperate plea of those trapped under the repressive Chinese rule. We urge them to speak out for democracy, human rights and freedom.”

非聯合國會員國家及民族組織 (UNPO) 專案協調人卡瑞曼森說:「既然荷蘭政府反映了其與中國的關係,我們希望他們不要今天就這樣結束討論。我們呼籲他們能反思中國對自己公民採用的殘忍手段,並且思考關於此類侵權行為,它們希望能發送什麼樣的信息給世界。我們敦促他們不要忽視中國鎮壓統治下那些受困者危急的請求。我們強烈要求他們為民主、人權和自由發聲。」

A member of the Chinese Democratic Party that is based in the United States supports the Tibetans.


[Chen Zhonghe, Chinese Democratic Party]:

“I am here to support the Tibetans. I stand for their freedom, definitely.”


Uyghur, Mongolians and human rights activists also expressed their support for Tibet and called the international community to working together to end oppression in China.




本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw


About 120 Tibetans participated in the hunger strike. They prayed for the 11 monks and nuns who set themselves on fire.

大約 120名藏人參加絕食。他們為11名自焚的僧侶和尼姑祈禱。


According to the Buddhists teachings suicide is a sin.



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