Forerunner of Aquaculture! Min-Chi Lin Pioneers Milkfish Farming Model in Taiwan

【新唐人亞太台 2021 年 05 月 07 日訊】每年7到11月是虱目魚的產季。不過,近幾年虱目魚產量供過於求,魚價逐年下探。加上今年受疫情影響,外銷受阻,導致虱目魚產地池邊價格,跌了至少25%。面對魚價慘跌,漁民賠本銷售。有生技業者認為,必須先自救才能救人。於是集結各領域專家,打造一條龍的產業鏈模式。獨到的養殖法,獲得嘉義縣虱王爭霸美味組的冠軍。

July to November every year is the milkfish production season. However, the recent surplus in milkfish production has resulted in declining milkfish prices over the years. This problem is compounded by the pandemic, affecting the export of milkfish that has caused farm gate prices of milkfish to plummet by 25%. Faced with the plunging fish prices, fish farmers are forced to sell their milkfish at a loss. Some biotechnology firms believe that you must save yourself first before saving others, hence they have called upon cross-disciplinary experts to create a one-stop industry chain model. The unique farming technique has earned the Champion for the Delicious Award Group at the Competition for King of Milkfish in Chiayi County.



Fishermen busy harvesting milkfish is a common sight in Taiwan's fish farms during July and November every year.



Milkfish is a type of domesticated fish in southern Taiwan. In particular, Tainan is home to the largest milkfish farming areas in Taiwan, totaling approximately 4,980 hectares producing roughly 24,000 tons annually. The fish farms in Beimen District are high-density fish farms breeding about 8,000 milkfish per hectare.


飼料營養專家 方秋霖:「今年我用高密度養殖,我養到1萬2千尾。為了經濟效益,我用飼料我用飼養管理來控制。」

Fish feed nutritionist Chiu-Lin Fang: "I employed high-density farming this year, breeding about 12,000 milkfish. I have applied feed management to control to ensure optimum economic benefits."



Farming milkfish with fresh texture and delicious flavors is not an easy task. Milkfish are harvested once per year and they are not resistant to cold temperatures; if the water temperature is too low, a mass die-off will occur. Every detail including the fish farm environment and fish feed must be painstakingly tended to and checked manually on a regular basis.


微生物教授 徐慶霖:「當這個環境不好的時候,它就會大量生長,那這個藻讓魚吃進去以後,它在體內,它就會釋放出這個藻的特殊的味道,那這個就是土味來源的最大的一個問題。」

Microbiology Professor Ching-Lin Hsu: "When the environment is less than ideal, algae will grow at a rapid rate. After ingesting the algae, it will release the unique scent of algae inside the milkfish, and this is the main reason for its earthy taste."


飼料營養專家 方秋霖:「我們是全天候的養殖人員在那邊,所以造成了我們這批魚,去年第一次參加,跟海水魚一比,我們叫作虱王爭霸第一名是美味獎。我們是用心在養這一尾。」

Fish feed nutritionist Chiu-Lin Fang: "Our full-time fish farmers look after the farm around the clock, therefore when we participated in the competition for the first time last year, we beat the saltwater fish ad clinched the Champion of the Competition for King of Milkfish for the Delicious Award Group. This goes to demonstrate our attentiveness in farming our milkfish."



Taiwan produces about 50,000 tons of milkfish every year worth nearly TWD 4.1 billion, of which 80% are sold to the domestic market. However, due to large-scale fish farming by neighboring countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia, the surplus of milkfish has driven the price down year after year.


微生物教授 徐慶霖:「目前台灣在魚產養殖這一塊,有一點弱化,當然就是因為過去的條件,還有一些外在的因素,那我們能不能在這一個,用這個新的生物科技的方法,讓我們現在的這個飼養條件變好。」

Microbiology Professor Ching-Lin Hsu: "Taiwan's fish farming industry has been weakened due to conditions in the past and several extrinsic factors. The key lies in whether or not we can apply new biotechnology approaches to improve the farming conditions."


生物科技公司董事長 林敏極:「去年到現在的價格,已經跌了25%以上。今年的魚價這麼壞,我們要自救,所以說,全力投入在這一塊。」

President of biotech company Min-Chi Lin: "The prices have dropped by over 25% from last year. With such low prices, we need to save ourselves; in other words, we need to focus wholeheartedly on this aspect."



Faced with plummeting fish prices, fish farmers are forced to sell their milkfish at a loss. President of biotech company Min-Chi Lin believes that we must save ourselves first before saving others. Consequently, the company has applied its robust expertise and professional talents in the livestock industry to the aquaculture industry.


微生物教授 徐慶霖:「飼料配方然後來養這個虱目魚,另外我們也用這個益生菌去,改善我們的飼養環境的水質。」

Microbiology Professor Ching-Lin Hsu: "The milkfish is fed with the feed formula and we also add probiotics to improve the water quality of the fish farm environment."


生物科技公司董事長 林敏極:「跟我們相關的上下游產業,就在做這個生產履歷的加工,拔刺。這一塊是我們的理想,因為在南部,台南市的學甲北門地區,是一個養殖虱目魚的大區塊,如果說我們當作先行者的話,我們可以把這個經驗分享給所有的,養殖同業。」

President of biotech company Min-Chi Lin: "Our upstream and downstream partners in the industry are all committed to enhancing the traceability process and ironing out the glitches. This is what we aspire to do because south Taiwan, particularly the Beimen District in Xuejia, is the hub of milkfish farming in the country. If we act as the forerunners in this endeavor, we can share our experience with the rest of the aquaculture industry."



Committing to the aquaculture industry with the intention of helping people, Min-Chi Lin's team has developed fish farming technologies that have caught the attention of industry players within 5 years. He hopes to establish a fish farming model that is exclusive to Taiwan, thereby elevating the competitiveness of the aquaculture industry.



攝影後製:葉錫鴻 曾奕豪

Interview and script by Jin-Jin Li
Photography post production: Dennis Yeh and Robin Zeng




Green Wonder Biotech Co., Ltd.

Address: No. 104, Sec. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City

Phone: +886-4-23387529

Fax: +886-4-23387526






