【禁聞】朝鮮恐爆大饑荒 聯合國籲緊急援助


《法新社》6月27號報導,齊威格(Katharina Zellweger)表示,海外捐款銳減與國際糧價高漲使得進口更為昂貴,朝鮮糧食配給量在過去18個月減半,部分地區減少到每人每天配給150克。








聯合國緊急救援協調員阿莫斯(Valerie Amos)23號說,解救朝鮮缺糧需要2億1千萬美元,而目前籌到的資金還不足20%。她說,由於朝鮮核項目以及去年炮擊韓國延坪島,有關國家不願為朝鮮捐款援助。











Great Famine in North Korea

Katharina Zellweger of Pyongyang-based

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

said that the North Korean government has

dramatically reduced food ration.

The people again resort to eating grassroots.

UN Deputy Secretary-General Valerie Amos

said that donations to N. Korea had been slow,

and urged donors to put aside political differences

when facing such humanitarian crisis.

As per AFP, Katharina Zellweger said that

the sharp decline in overseas donations and

high food prices made imports more expensive.

The ration was cut in half in the past 18 months.

Certain regions ration only 150g per person.

The North Korean population is about 24 million.

In the past few decades, food has been rationed.

The famine in the 1990s caused millions to perish.

Zellweger said she saw many malnourished kids

and they dug up roots and grasses for food.

The signs are pointing to an imminent crisis.

On June 27, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

(ABC) released a secretly-taken footage.

In it, an official ordered a vendor donate rice to

the army, as half of the troops are malnourished.

The footage also shows filthy orphan beggars.

As their compatriots were starving themselves,

they had no food to spare.

A boy told the reporter, "I am 8 years old.

My father died and my mother abandoned me.

So I sleep on the streets."

ABC Asian news chief editor Ishimaru Jiro said,

in the past, the regime put the army above all.

Now it is struggling to feed the army.

As per Radio Free Asia, the army is rationed

with livestock feeds imported from China.

There were incidents of cannibalism in N. Korea.

S. Korean JoongAng Daily reported on June 20,

as per classified NK security files from 2009,

a security guard killed his co-worker for food,

and even sold some of the flesh as veal.

N. Korea was devastated by floods in 2010 and

by the longest winter since 1945.

S. Korean agricultural experts believe that

N. Korea will be short of 1.5 million tons of food.

UN Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief

Coordinator Valerie Amos said on June 23 that

N. Korea needs $210 million to get enough food.

So far, only 20% has been raised.

As N. Korea bombed S. Korea』s island in 2010.

Some countries have refused to donate.

S. Korea used to donate 500,000 tons of rice

to N. Korea per year from 2000 to 2008.

President Lee Myung-bak stopped all

unconditional assistance to the North in 2008.

After the Cheonan sinking incident in 2010,

S. Korea cut off all trading and assistance.

N. Korea is also being sanctioned against

by the U.S. and the UN.

S. Korea said to restore assistance to N. Korea,

the latter must apologize for the Cheonan incident

and the bombing of Yeonpyeong Island.

N. Korea refused.

The U.S. and S. Korea worried that N. Korea

might start testing nuclear arsenals. On June 25,

the 61st anniversary of the Korean War,

Lee Myung-bak said the Chinese government

would not support N. Korea』s potential provocation.

On April 26, a group of Nobel Peace Price

recipients visited N. Korea, among whom

were the ex-U.S. president Jimmy Carter,

ex-South African president Mandela,

former president of Finland, Martti Ahtisaari,

former Norwegian prime minister Jagland,

and former Irish president, Mary Robinson.

Besides the U.S. and S. Korea, N. Korea even

seeks help from poor nations such as Zimbabwe.

Czech Republic had refused its request.

UN assessed in March that 6.1 million Koreans

were facing severe food shortage. One-third of the

children are growing up with hypoplasia.

25% of the females are malnourished,

and 37% of the population relies on foreign aids.

UN Coordinate Amos said on June 23, N. Koreans

only have 25% of the requisite food for survival.

She urged nations to put aside political differences

to help N. Korea, especially women and children.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Wang Mingyu.