【禁聞】佔領華爾街: 學者抨社會主義分贓制









謝選駿日前發表文章說,暢銷書《黑天鵝效應》的作者塔勒布(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)建議,華爾街銀行為追求高分紅,罔顧社會整體利益,追求高風險投資,唯一的解決之道就是取消銀行界的「分紅制度」。


英國《金融時報》專欄作家約翰.凱(John Kay)說,資本主義並非「貪婪」的代名詞。謝選駿指出,資本主義的代名詞是企業家精神,社會主義才是「貪婪」的代名詞。他說,華爾街投資銀行界2010年的滴血紅利,在經濟前景不明中卻創下歷史新高。這種「穩賺不賠」的分紅制度就是金融危機的罪惡源頭。






Scholar Critical of Wall Street Socialist Policy during Occupy protests

The campaign of "Occupying Wall Street" has lasted for

more than two months.

This spontaneous grass-roots movement has neither an

organizing leader, nor clear objectives and platforms.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'media said that

“Occupying Wall Street” sounded the knell of capitalism.

Internationally renowned scholars refute this, however,

pointing out that what is opposed in the campaign is the

socialist policy of distributing spoils from Wall Street.

November 17, marks two months for "Occupying Wall Street".

Protesters all over America launched a mass demonstration

called "Global Action Day". At least 300 persons were arrested.

New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Boston, Dallas,

Las Vegas, Portland and other places saw continuous break outs in demonstrations.

At present, there are more than 100 countries respond in

the “occupying” action.

New York University Professor Xie Xuanjun expressed

his views in an interview with NTDTV.

Xie Xuanjun: "I think the campaign of "Occupying Wall Street"

is similar to the petition campaign in China.

They are all disadvantaged groups.

What they get from the public reaction is different.

For example in China, the petition is hard to get open support

from persons in the system, especially from the upper levels.

But in America, the campaign of “Occupying Wall Street”

even gets support from heavyweight persons,

such as members of Congress, the President,

members of City Council and so on.

The protesters shouted such slogans as “We are the 99%”,

“Banks are released on bail, we are sold out” and so on.

Because the U.S. trade unions and left-wing groups and

individuals joined, some slogans contained the colors of left-wing.

CCP's “People” commented that this campaign blindly

opposes capitalism, and advocates neo-liberalism.

"Guangming" commented directly that this wave

of anger pointed straightly to capitalism system, requiring establishment of “socialist America”.

Xie Xuanjun: “The campaign of 'Occupying Wall Street'

is not to require establishment of 'socialist America',

but to require stopping establishment of 'socialist America'.”

Scholar Xie Xuanjun lives in America, and graduated

from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

He was an independent writer of a large-scale

CCTV documentary "River Elegy".

After June 4th incident, "River Elegy" was banned,

and was characterized as "counter-revolutionary blueprint".

Xie Xuanjun recently published an article,

and said that Nassim Nicholas Taleb,

the author of the best-selling book

"Black Swan Effect", gave some suggestions.

Because Wall Street banks pursue high dividends,

ignoring the whole interests of society and pursuing high-risk investments,

the only way to deal with the problem is to cancel

the banking sector's "bonus system".

Xie Xuanjun: "The nature of Wall Street changed after the

financial crisis in 2008, because it's equal to say that the profits belong to themselves.

But their loss will be paid by the taxpayer and the government.

So it violates a basic principle of capitalism,

namely the reciprocity of rights and obligations. It moves closer to socialism.”

British "Financial Times" columnist John Kay said that

capitalism is not the synonym of “greed”.

Xie Xuanjun pointed out the synonym of capitalism

is the spirit of entrepreneurs.

But socialism is the synonym of “greed”.

He said that the bonus of Wall Street investment banking

in 2010 hit a record high under the uncertainty of future economy.

This bonus system, with only earning, but no loss,

is the evil source of the financial crisis.

Regarding this, Taleb stressed that “this violates

Adam Smith's basic principles of capitalism”.

Capitalism is also called a free market economy or

free enterprise economy.

Its characteristic is to automatically regulate economic activities

by the market mechanism, but not by state control.

Xie Xuanjun: “But America cannot do this to such an extent

right now.

It can only give support to large companies,

but cannot levy taxes from large companies. It becomes such a problem.

So these large companies are actually becoming

state-owned enterprises in a disguised form.

This is what I said about America's tendency to socialism.

In fact, monopoly capitalism is socialism.”

Professor Xie Xuanjun said that Wall Street, known as a

symbol of capitalism, must cancel the spoils system of socialism,

in which individuals earn money when winning and

the state pay the losses when losing.

Otherwise, it will result in not only the death of freedom

and democracy, but also America will sooner or later fall into national bankruptcy like European countries.

Socialism can save neither China, nor America.

Some analysts also point out that not only Wall Street,

but also European and American countries' high social welfare,

high taxes and other government intervention in

economic activities all contain the nature of socialism.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Sun Ning