【禁聞】奧胡會晤問候語 引網路轟動


網友紛紛嘲弄開玩笑,有的說:「歐巴馬真幽默啊,濤哥家裏挺鬧騰,心煩著呢,他怎麽哪壺不開提哪壺啊!」 有的替胡錦濤回答:最近「家裏」不太好!、「康師傅(周永康)未下架啊! 」,還有的替歐巴馬回答說:「我手裏有幾張你要的牌噢。」 由於目前中共高層內訌還沒有最後明朗化,胡錦濤和歐巴馬的這次會晤,也引起了大陸民衆的強烈關注。

而同一天,在中國,備受網友關注是否被下架的「康師傅(周永康)」,在所謂「全國政法委書記首期培訓班」上露面,他在講話中提到,「在大是大非問題上要同黨中央保持高度一致。」 有評論說,這是周永康在向胡溫示軟,而周永康的露面,正好說明胡溫已經掌控大局。也有人分析說,周永康露面是為胡錦濤出訪營造穩定氣氛,用過之後,就應該下架了。



Obama Greets Hu Jintao: Netizens Uproar

On March 26, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) President

Hu Jintao attended the Nuclear Safety Summit in Seoul.

He met U.S. President Barack Obama in the hotel.

This is the 11th meeting between the two. Obama's opening

greeting was "how are you at home recently?”

This made Mainland Chinese netizens discuss fierily,

thinking that the greeting words carry double meanings.

They point out the Bo Xilai incident in China.

A lot of netizens made a mockery with jokes.

Some said: "Obama is really humorous.

Brother Hu is very naughty and upset at home.

Why he just mentioned the terrible thing?”

Some answered for Hu Jintao: “It's not good recently

at home.” “Zhou Yongkang is not off the shelf.”

Some said for Obama: “I have a few cards you want.”

Continued infighting of high-level CCP made the meeting

of Hu Jintao and Barack Obama attract strong attention from people in mainland China.

On the same day, Chinese netizens are also strongly concerned

whether Zhou Yongkang is off the shelf or not.

Zhou Yongkang appeared in the so-called “The first training

course of National Politics and Law Committee secretary”.

He said in the speech; “Must keep high accord with CCP

Central Committee in cardinal issues.”

Some commented that this is what Zhou Yongkang shows

to appear soft to Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.

Zhou Yongkang's appearance just illustrates that Hu and Wen

have controlled the overall situation.

Some analysts also said that the appearance of Zhou Yongkang

is to create a stable atmosphere for Hu Jintao's visit.

After being used, Zhou Yongkang should be off the shelf.

In addition, netizen microblog in Mainland China are

spreading the incident that Bo Guagua's British butler Nick Heywood died surprisingly last year.

It has caused global concern.

A microblogging message was issued by “Yang Haipeng

in Shanghai”, a netizen in mainland China.

It is reported to have spread to foreigners, with some

mainstream international media breaking the news.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the words of an insider that

Wang Lijun believes that Heywood was poisoned to death.

Cao Guoxing, reporter of "Radio France Internationale”,

broke the news.

It is said that this case is one of the firing lines

of the Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai disputes.

It also became a key element for Bo Xilai being

removed from his position.

However, British and U.S. Embassy spokesman declined

to comment whether Wang Lijun handed materials

to the U.S that revealed the truth during his stay in U.S.

Chengdu Consulate.

In addition to CCP's palace struggle, there are also some

strike movements from Chinese people.

On March 26th, workers of Jiugang Port of Huangpu,

Guangzhou carried out collective strikes.

This was due to wages and social security issues, causing

the port to become paralyzed.

There was a lot of cargo backlogged, with the

barges not being able to set off.

It is said that the CCP authorities are urgently dealing

with this to prevent strike-proliferation.

Huangpu Port is 32 kilometers away from Guangzhou,

the third largest export port in recent years.