【禁聞】美媒:美中人權對話 前景黯淡






中國問題專家伍凡認為,閉門的“美中人權對話”已經談了16次,但沒有實質意義。他說:“和中共單獨私下談人權是沒有用的。”,“一個是苦苦要求,另一個是裝模作樣,根本不理。”而“中共其實現在也是最虛弱的時候,所以才會害怕釋放異議人士,比如放了高智晟表明它自己承認鎮壓法輪功是錯誤的﹔而逮捕艾未未,是懼怕中國的茉莉花革命。” 伍凡表示:“只有中共解體,才能解決中國的人權問題。”



“國際特赦”亞太地區主任扎裡費(Sam Zarifi)對《美國之音》表示,美國人實現承諾,就是不僅僅在人權對話中提人權,而是把它也放在下個月即將舉行的「戰略與經濟對話」的框架中提出來。



A Bleak Sino-US Human Rights Dialogue

The two-day Sino-US human rights dialogue ended.

The United States believes that the talk produces very

little result. Outsiders suspect the future is bleak for

this kind of dialogue. However, the U. S. said

that it plans to bring rights issue up next month

during the “Sino-US strategic economic dialogue.”

The human rights dialogue ended in Beijing on April 28.

The U.S. representative Posner told the media

that China failed to give a satisfactory answer to

its lack of progress and the arrests of many rights

lawyers, including Teng Biao,Chen Guangcheng,

Gao Zhisheng and Ai Weiwei』s whereabouts.

“Voice of America” reported: A few Western countries

conducted similar annual dialogues with China and

then top leaders can avoid talking about human rights

the rest of year. Such a dialogue allows leaders

in China to put all the “bad stuff” into a “human rights”

package so others cannot touch it without permission.

"The New York Times" stated that the future of

Sino-US human rights dialogue is bleak;

the United States and Western countries need to look

for a new way to pressure China.

Posner also told the press that the human rights issue

will be brought up in Washington next month,

during the "Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue".

China expert Wu Fan believes that there has been

16 rounds of behind-closed-doors Sino-US dialogue,

so far it has no real meanings.

Chinese regime is in its weakest point,

it is fearful of letting go dissidents.

Releasing Gao Zhisheng means Falun Gong』s suppression

being wrong; arresting Ai Weiwei indicates its fear

of a Jasmine Revolution that will take place in China.

Wu Fan said: “Human rights in China can only be

resolved by the collapse of the Chinese regime.

China observers are not optimistic about the effect

of the dialogue: Will it affect the ways the dissidents

being treated by the Chinese authorities?

Shanxi-based activist Deng Taiqing: “Currently

it is not possible for the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)

to make substantial improvements in human rights.

Many dissidents continue to disappear

or being detained.

This means human rights in China is deteriorating--

we do not observe proper procedures; we are rogues

and fear of no one. Just look at me, they block me

from going out every Saturday and Sunday.”

Sam Zarifi, the director of Amnesty International

in Asia told “Voice of America” that if Americans

want to keep their promise, they should bring this up

not only in the human rights dialogue

but also in the "Strategic economic dialogue ".

In addition, the United States wants to tighten up

visa issued to Chinese officials and their families

to "retaliate" poor record of human rights in China.

Deng told “Radio Free Asia” that it probably helps

to improve human rights if Chinese official's own

interests are affected. But the U.S. government

must take other nation』s interests into consideration.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wu Huizhen